
Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Princess

Dear Princess,

I am not very sure why am writing this down.But one day when you become big enough to read , you might be happy to find out how you have changed my life forever.

I remember ,I was more anxious than happy when I was expecting you.When I first held you in my arms, I never realised that you are born to take me to a special world.Actually, I was busy wondering why your dad and my parents were running around with joy.I have never seen them so thriled in my whole life.

Finally, when I had to take care of you all alone , that is when you were around 5 months old , I was a bit tensed as to how I would handle you.I really dont rememeber when I started enjoying each moment with you.You were always a cutie pie full of smiles.You found everything around you interesting.I used to be surprised , when you were a lot happy over little things. DEAR, that was the first lesson I had learnt from you,appreciating every little thing around.

Our greatest fun started when you started talking.Your first word was APPA and you used to call everyone around as APPA.I know you share a special bond with your appa.NO, am not envious:-).Infact ,I am a happier person seeing you both share this special bond.

You were a real good girl when we had to travel all the way from Bangalore to Melbourne where we are now.We were worried that you will find it difficut to adjust over here.But you were fascinated by the new world and you found the parks and playgroups here interesting.

Today, when I am writing down this, you are 2 years & 7 months old.You now talk so well and understand almost everything.You love rhymes, painting and playing in sand.You start your day helping your appa choose his shoes to office and you are behind him , reminding everything he has to do , which used to be my role until recently.Finally when you hug him good bye to office, I can see the spark in his eyes.And my day with you starts after that.You love to watch me cooking and sometimes you drive me crazy making up a mess of the entire house. You love listening to stories.We have bought you four plants and looking after them, is your favourite hobby all these days.

You have started going to a day care last week and you are enjoying thoroughly over there.It is wonderful to watch you carry your little bag and go to school.

Dear , you have made me emphatetic and now my heart aches when I see a little one like you in pain.I now understand than never before ,the terrible lives of starving babies and the lives of the little ones who are suffering from painful diseases.I wish ,I coud help them all.

You also have made me love my parents more.Until you were born , I used to think my parents were overcaring.But now I understand their sincere concerns and love them than never before.

Dear , YOU are our sunshine and our happiness.Everything in our life revolves around you.You bring unexplainable happiness to us each moment.

Dear little one, keep growing into a lovely person with a beautiful heart.Never hurt or judge anyone in your life.Love everything around you and radiate joy wherever you go.Make the world a better place because you were here.My only prayer to GOD is to give you the wisdom to choose what is right always.

Love YOU dear DIYA, beyond what I can express in words.
GOD bless you always.

Lots of love,
Dated Forever


  1. Looks like u r a very good narrator...Created a mood of watching a good movie with a nice storyline..Nice! Am sure Diya will be the most happiest one when she read this after sometime...:-)

    1. Thanks dear Thalhath..ur comments mean a lot to me.Thanks for being a good friend always.

  2. Chechy , very happy to see this......
    Really you are a great narrator....

    1. Thankyou sis..You are one of the priceless gifts God has blessed me with.

  3. I feel happy reading narrated beautifully the mother-daughter relationship...diya will be happy when she read it later in her life...god bless you and diya....
